Friday, May 6, 2011

Trollslayers - Class-based level improvements

This probably should have been included in the earlier Levels & Improvements post...

Warriors gain +1 to the Health score at 1st level, and gain an additional +1 to Health per level acquired. The maximum amount of Health that a Warrior may gain by leveling up is equal to his or her END score.

Magicians start off with an Essence score at 1st level equal to (KNO+PRE)/2.  Every level gained after that, they add 5 to their Essence score.

Experts gain an extra Talent at 2nd level, and at each even level afterwards (i.e. 2nd, 4th, 6th, etc).

Paragons add +1 to the Health score at 1st level, and add another +1 to Health at each odd level acquired (i.e. 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc).  The maximum amount of Health that a Paragon may gain by leveling up is equal to half his or her END score.  Also, they start off with an Essence score at 1st level equal to (KNO+PRE)/4, and every level gained after that, they add 3 to their Essence score.

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